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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Command Line Socks Proxy commands on the Mac

Firewalls always cause developers problems (and I do not mean in the negative context), trying to hit code sites, blogs or other crowd sourcing sites ... after a little research I have come across a little trick that will get the job done

Step 1: create the connectivity file
standard ssh command, dropped into a shell script with the port forwarding flag added:

ssh -D 1080

That's it, that simple ... so what did we just do?  SSH -D is for dynamic application-level port forwarding. Its syntax is ssh -D ${port} ${remote host}  This will allow you to drop a SOCKS proxy over an encrypted ssh tunnel, which leads us directly to ...

Step 2: SOCKS over SSH Tunnel
Now lets over ride the Mac security settings and skip all that silly administrative stuff ...


echo "Setting Socks Proxy to 'localhost 1080'"
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "Wi-Fi" localhost 1080
echo "'Wi-Fi' Socks Proxy now pointing to 'localhost 1080'"
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "Ethernet" localhost 1080
echo "'Ethernet' Socks Proxy now pointing to 'localhost 1080'"

This will point all of your outgoing data through your ssh tunnel - averting the firewall and security setup by your administrators

Now we need a way to stop/disable these settings:


echo "Disabling Socks Proxy from 'localhost 1080'"
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Wi-Fi" off
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Ethernet" off
echo "'Wi-Fi' and 'Ethernet' Socks Proxy now set to 'off'"

Pretty simple ... you will need to set the files as executable: chmod +x socks.ssh socks.start socks.stop

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Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. --General George S. Patton
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