The IT Alchemy Lab really doesn't have any set "purpose" to speak of. It is more about the IT technologies and issues I come across in my day-to-day business, meetings and chats (lunches, coffee and drinks) with my IT colleagues and friends.

Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eclipse Fix for JDK 1.6.0_21

If you are running one of the following Eclipse versions and have upgraded your JVM to the latest release; JDK 1.6.0_21. There is a good chance every 5 minutes you are going to experience an OutOfMemoryError and then have Eclipse crash every. The fix is simple.

Name Release Date Version Project Home
Helios 23-JUN-2010 3.6 Helios projects
Galileo 24-JUN-2009 3.5 Galileo projects
Ganymede 25-JUN-2008 3.4 Ganymede projects

Open the file ${Eclipse Home}/eclipse.ini

Add this value "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" after the "-vmargs" line

Restart Eclipse

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Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. --General George S. Patton
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